I've had this on my iPod for a while now, but it definitely deserves a post here. I reckon it's probably one of the best remixes I've heard this year, and y'all know how much I bum Jamie xx... Well maybe you don't, but I'm telling you now. I do. If you like this and you like Gil Scott-Heron (pfff, course you do) check out 'We're New Here', Jamie xx's remix album of Gil's 'I'm New Here'. And if you've never heard any of of Gil's stuff, and this is a situation that must be remedied posthaste, listen to 'No Exit'. If you can't find it, it is on one of my previous posts, which is called '40 Songs That Keep Me Grooving.'
Oh, and make sure to listen with good headphones!
This has no relevance whatsoever. But I love it AND IT'S MY BLOG SO I'LL POST IT IF I WANT TO. Ahhh when the panda walks up the tree... Disney = Boundless joy.